
Podcast Show Notes

Running a Small Business While Raising a Family

Feeling like you’re constantly spinning plates, trying to run your small business while raising tiny humans? Trust us, we’ve been there (and let’s be real, we’re still there most days). In our latest episode of The Glow On… Podcast, we dive deep into the beautiful mess that is running a business while raising a family.

The Parenthood Transformation

Let’s get real for a sec—becoming a parent changes everything. It’s like your brain gets a software update overnight, and suddenly, you’re seeing the world through a whole new lens. But here’s the kicker: that transformation? It’s actually your secret weapon in business.

  • Your multitasking skills? Leveled up.
  • Your ability to function on minimal sleep? Superhero status.
  • Your perspective on what really matters? Crystal clear.

You Can Have It All… Just Not All at Once (And That’s Okay!)

Remember that old saying, “You can have it all”? Well, we’re here to tell ya: you can, but not simultaneously. And you know what? That’s perfectly fine. Life as a parent and business owner is all about seasons. Sometimes, you’re crushing it in your business, and other times, you’re winning at the parenting game. The key? Embracing each season for what it is.

Mental Health: Your Most Important Business Asset

Here’s something they don’t tell you in business school: your mental health is your most valuable asset. When you’re juggling sippy cups and sales calls, it’s easy to let self-care slip. But trust us, taking care of your mental health isn’t selfish—it’s essential.

Pro Tip: Schedule “me time” like you would a business meeting. Non-negotiable, people!

Finding Joy in the Chaos (Because It’s There, We Promise)

Parenthood and entrepreneurship can feel like a rollercoaster—thrilling, terrifying, and sometimes making you want to throw up. But amidst the chaos, there’s so much joy to be found. Maybe it’s a breakthrough with a client that coincides with your kid’s first steps, or maybe it’s just surviving a day where everything went wrong, but you’re still standing. Celebrate those moments, big and small.

Your Community is Your Lifeline

Remember: it takes a village, not just to raise a child, but to run a business too. Surround yourself with people who get it—other parent entrepreneurs who understand the unique challenges you’re facing. Whether it’s a formal mastermind group or just a group chat with other business-owning parents, having that support system is crucial.

The Power of Outsourcing (AKA Asking for Help)

Guess what!! You don’t have to do it all yourself. In fact, trying to do everything is a fast track to burnout city. Whether it’s hiring a virtual assistant for your business or getting a babysitter for a few hours a week, outsourcing will save the day. It’s not admitting defeat—it’s smart strategy.

Embracing the Journey: It’s All About Growth

At the end of the day, both parenthood and entrepreneurship are journeys of growth. You’re not going to have it all figured out, and that’s okay. Each day is an opportunity to learn, adapt, and become a little bit better than you were yesterday.

Ready to improve your mindset and find more balance in your chaotic, beautiful life? We’ve got you covered. Grab our FREE 50+ page Mindset Guide and Workbook packed with tips on creating a positive mindset, manifesting your dream life, setting boundaries, and more. It’s like a pep talk and a hug in PDF form. Download it right here →

Remember, you’ve got this. You’re doing amazing things, even on the days when it feels like you’re barely keeping your head above water. Keep glowing, keep growing, and know that we’re right there with you in the trenches of parenthood and business ownership.

Show Notes:

  • [00:00:30] The parenthood transformation: How becoming a parent changes your perspective
  • [00:05:15] Balancing act: Having it all, but not all at once
  • [00:10:45] Mental health as a crucial component of success
  • [00:15:20] Finding joy in the chaos of parenthood and business
  • [00:20:00] The importance of community support for parent entrepreneurs
  • [00:25:30] Outsourcing: Why asking for help is a strength, not a weakness
  • [00:30:15] Multitasking: The unexpected superpower of parent entrepreneurs
  • [00:35:00] Purpose and intention: Lessons from parenthood applied to business
  • [00:40:30] Embracing imperfection: It’s okay not to have it all figured out
  • [00:45:15] Growth mindset: Embracing the journey of parenthood and entrepreneurship

Don’t forget to subscribe to The Glow On… Podcast for more insights on navigating the wild world of business and parenthood. And hey, if this episode resonated with you, we’d love it if you’d leave us a review. It helps other parent entrepreneurs find us and join our community of glowgetters!

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