
Know your numbers & start charging what you’re worth—so you can make more money and run a profitable, sustainable business.


“I love shooting every single weekend & staying up til 2 a.m. every night editing!”

Yet far too many photographers operate their business that way. Why? Because they think it’s the only way they’ll be able to pay the bills. 

But running your business like that is unsustainable. You’re quickly headed for burnout if you aren’t able to cut back your workload—or at least cut yourself a healthy paycheck.

^^ Said no one ever.

How you price your services can make or break your success.

Knowing Your Expenses

We get it—it’s scary to add up all those subscriptions you pay for and tally up how much you pay your second shooters. But without knowing your business’s finances inside and out, you’ll never know what you NEED to make in order to be profitable.

Your “Get Out of Bed” Rate

Simply put? Some jobs aren’t worth getting out of your pajamas for. But how do you know which inquiries are worth taking and which ones are worth turning down?

Raising Your Prices

You’ve gotta know when it’s time to raise your prices and how to do it effectively—without losing all your clients.

Because how you set your prices not only impacts how much money you’re putting in the bank, but it also reflects how potential clients perceive your value.

What if you could have a sustainable, profitable business with clients who value and pay you what you’re worth?

You need a solid pricing strategy and financial plan that leads to consistent bookings and income. ‘Cause what’s the point of working as hard as you do if you’re not even profitable? Imagine being able to confidently state your prices—knowing exactly what you need to charge in order for it to be worth your time—and establish a plan to hit your goals. You’d have a financial roadmap tailored to your lifestyle and your vision for your business, NOT based on your competition’s.

No—we’re not going to tell you to double your prices overnight.

There’s no such thing as an overnight success, and there’s also not a (successful) overnight leap from booking $3k weddings to $25k. You already know that nearly 50% of small businesses fail within the first five years. And we don’t remind you of that to scare you, but it should be a reminder that whole entrepreneur thing we’re doing? It’s not easy! 

But not having a clear understanding of the financial health of your business (and a solid plan to grow it) is a road that leads straight to closing up shop. You don’t want that, and we don’t want that for you!


^^ That right there would be a surefire way to stop booking anything at all. 


The Pricing

A comprehensive course specifically designed for photographers—so you can confidently price your services, improve your money mindset, and work toward your financial goals—with actionable, practical strategies you can implement right away.

Yes! I need this!

The next-best thing to having a personal pricing coach guiding you every step of the way.

We’ve taught this exact pricing method to hundreds of students, and it’s a bestseller for a reason: because it works.

You'll walk away with:

  • Clear understanding of your pricing and market value
  • Actionable strategies to build and price your collections
  • Techniques to confidently raise your prices when the time is right


Transforming Your Money Mindset

Start with a strong foundation by shifting your mindset toward abundance. In Module 1, you'll discover how your mindset shapes every pricing decision and learn strategies to transform it for maximum profit. This module will cover identifying and overcoming mindset blocks, practical exercises for daily mindset shifts, and the power of thinking and the law of attraction. By getting into the right headspace, you'll be better equipped to attract high-paying clients, achieve your pricing goals, and support long-term business growth.

What's inside:


Pricing with Purpose

It’s time to stop basing your pricing on guesswork and assumptions. In Module 2, you'll learn how to set your prices based on real data and facts, ensuring that your rates reflect your true value and positively impact your local industry. We'll explore the significant effect your pricing has on your community, when to use packages versus custom collections, how to identify your market value, and the right time and method to raise your prices. This foundational module equips you with the knowledge to price confidently and strategically, setting the stage for sustainable business growth.


The Nitty-Gritty Numbers

Do you really know your business’s financials and how much you’re actually earning? In Module 3, you’ll learn how to accurately calculate the time and money invested in each wedding or session, empowering you to charge what you’re worth and restructure your pricing from the ground up. We’ll dive into the details of understanding your numbers, introduce a fool-proof model for effectively pricing your talent and time, and guide you through building collections (and the difference in approach when sending to planners vs. the couple directly!).

watch the preview

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On-Demand Video Lessons

Watch anytime, anywhere. As long as you have an Internet connection, you can access your content via your personalized student portal.


Learn at Your Own Pace

As soon as you finish checking out, you're immediately granted access to the entirety of the course content. With lifetime access, you can take your time and always come back for a refresh.


Ongoing Support

Any updates we make to the Glowup will be added to your portal. Plus, we're available via email or our student Facebook community to answer questions and help you on your journey.

Did someone say bonuses?

The Small Business Finance Glowup

A financial playbook for photographers who didn’t start their business to become accountants, you’ll learn from Develope Academy's CFO and accountant extraordinaire—Brian McGeough, CPA, MBA—and ensure your passion thrives profitably.

  • Understanding taxes and cultivating a healthy money mindset
  • Identifying and overcoming negative beliefs about money
  • Strategies for cultivating a growth-oriented financial mindset
  • Tax concepts and terminologies that small business owners NEED to know
  • Common tax concerns and myths
  • How to set up an efficient tax system and record-keeping
  • Utilizing software and tools to simplify tax preparation and filing
  • Maintaining a steady income during economic slumps
  • Smart savings for small business owners
  • Capitalizing on opportunities during slow seasons
  • Overview of retirement planning and why it's time to start now

The Pricing Calculator

Hate math? Us too. That’s why we built this done-for-you, accountant-approved spreadsheet to help you calculate your expenses, estimate your earnings, and determine out your get-out-of-bed rate.

  • Tally up all your expenses (we’ve included a list of common expenses to get you started) and keep it up-to-date when things change (lookin’ at you, inflation!)
  • Built in Google Sheets, so it’s free to use and easy to access on all your devices
  • Perfect for wedding & portrait photographers alike
  • Customizable to fit your unique business
  • Easily estimate your annual earnings and how your pricing affects it 
  • Figure out exactly how much you need to charge in order to be profitable

The Find Your Value Worksheet

Now that you know how much to charge, it’s time to figure out HOW to charge that! The easy answer is to improve your photography skills—but what else can you do? We’ll give you a hint: you’ve gotta add value. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer on how to do this, but we put together a worksheet to get you started.

  • The nine questions we ask our mastermind students to help them discover what makes them stand out
  • Identify your business’s values 
  • Get on track to see what you’ve got that your competition just can’t touch—even if they’re a “better” photographer than you.

“Just here to say THANK YOU for the Pricing Glowup! I booked my highest wedding collection to date this week and feel so encouraged! Jennefer and Charla, I can't thank you enough for the time and energy you spend investing into others and elevating this industry. You guys are the BEST.”


Sarah Ray


We’re saying “no more” to:
+ simply guessing at what your pricing should be, instead of basing it on cold, hard FACTS.
+ changing your pricing based on what your competition is charging
+ or letting your money mindset blocks dictate what you THINK you can charge.

A comprehensive course specifically designed for photographers—so you can confidently price your services, improve your money mindset, and work toward your financial goals—with actionable, practical strategies you can implement right away.



  • 6+ hours of video lessons (valued at $497)
  • Recordings from past student Q&A sessions (valued at $74)
  • BONUS: The Find Your Value Worksheet (valued at $27)
  • BONUS: The Small Business Finance Glowup with Brian McGeough, CPA, MBA with an additional 4+ hours of video content (valued at $174)
  • BONUS: The Pricing Calculator (valued at $49)


We would typically charge $497 for something like this, but…

It’s yours for just $174

what students are saying

“When it happened, I legit cried.”

“ATTENTION WORLD: Way back when, I took the Pricing Glowup and raised my prices. It took a fairly long time to book my first wedding at my new worth, but when it happened, - I legit cried. It was honestly the best feeling being recognized at what you know you deserve. Now, I've booked 3 more weddings this week at my new pricing - might book a 4th today! I'm feeling so grateful for Charla and Jenn. I'm super excited that I might actually be able to pay myself a livable wage and quit my 9-5 desk job soon. IF YOU HAVEN'T DONE THE PRICING CHALLENGE YET, DO IT.” —Sarah Lord

“Thank you so much for giving me the confidence and the support to charge what I deserve.”

"I just booked my second wedding above $10k! The first time this happened, my imposter syndrome was telling me that it was by accident. But now that it's happening for a second time, I feel really good! Thank you so much for giving me the confidence and the support to charge what I deserve.”
 — Radostina Boseva

Meet your teachers

Charla & Jenn

Education shouldn't be boring. Our laid-back but pointed approach to teaching has been said to be "like hanging out with besties with a glass of wine." We are relatable, while maintaining the fact that we are successful businesswomen in our industry. 

Join us for Charla's world-renowned, film shooting as she slams you with facts and rap rhymes while changing your life. Jennefer will be backing her up with her Kindred Preset prowess and inspiring ability to make everyone understand their individual importance.

THIS IS for you IF—


Proven strategies to price your photography services accurately and effectively

Guidance on shifting your money mindset toward abundance

Practical tools and techniques to understand and manage your business finances

Actionable steps to get your pricing where you want it to be

— You’re in the right place. 

Frequently asked questions

Where does this course take place?

All our courses are available online, which means you can access them at any time, from anywhere. There are no specific start or end dates for the courses, and you can work through them at your own pace. You have the flexibility to pause, start, and stop each lesson to fit around your schedule. Once you purchase a course, you can start watching it immediately inside your Develope Academy student portal.

I have another question. Can I chat with someone?

Absolutely! Just send our team an email via our contact form or reach us directly at

How long do i have access to the content?

How does lifetime access sound?! Once you've completed your purchase, you'll get an email with all the info you need to login to your student portal. After you login, you'll see the course added inside your account, ready to watch whenever it works best for you.

What's included?

Every Develope Academy course includes:
  • Tips & strategies you can apply right away
  • Multiple hours of education
  • Everything you need to know to master one hot topic at a time
  • Quick and practical techniques
  • In-depth knowledge
  • Suitable for beginners and experts alike

You can’t afford to base your pricing on guesswork (literally).

You’ve spent way too much time questioning what you should be charging, scoping out your competition, or changing up your pricing on a whim—without a solid plan to back it up.

‘Cause you’re running a business—and businesses need to be profitable to survive.

If you’re ready for effective pricing strategies, financial confidence, and a shift toward an abundant mindset—all delivered in a practical, actionable format—join the hundreds of photographers who are confident in their pricing and have booked at their highest rates yet with The Pricing Glowup.

And taking on even MORE work just to pay the bills? That’s not sustainable.

Say no more—I'm in!