

Nurturing Your Mental Health as a Creative Entrepreneur

Let’s chat about something that’s been coming up a lot in our weekly Instagram AMAs: mental health for creatives and small business owners in the wedding industry.

We get it—running a business in this industry can be as exhausting as it is exhilarating. One minute you’re capturing the most magical moments of someone’s life, and the next you’re drowning in editing, emails, and existential crises. (Okay, maybe that last one is just us? 😅)

But here’s the thing: your mental health isn’t just some fluffy self-care trend. It’s the backbone of your creativity, your business, and frankly, your ability to show up for your clients without wanting to throw your camera into the nearest fountain. So, let’s dive into how you can keep that creative cup of yours full to the brim!

Manifesting Magic (Without the Woo-Woo)

First things first: let’s talk about manifesting. No, we’re not going to tell you to chant affirmations in the mirror (unless that’s your jam—in which case, chant away!). Manifesting is really about setting clear intentions and believing in your ability to achieve them.

Try this: At the start of each week, write down three goals. Make them specific, achievable, and—here’s the kicker—tied to how you want to feel. For example: “Book two ideal clients this week in a way that feels easeful and exciting.” This isn’t just about what you want to do, but how you want to feel while doing it. Game-changer, right?

Mindset Matters (But It’s Not Everything)

Let’s be real: positive thinking alone isn’t going to magically make all your problems disappear. (If it did, we’d all be sipping margaritas on our private islands by now.) But your mindset does play a huge role in how you navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.

Here’s a mindset shift that’s been huge for us: instead of asking “Why is this happening to me?” try “What is this teaching me?” It’s not about ignoring the hard stuff, but about finding the lessons and growth opportunities in every situation.

The Comparison Trap (And How to Escape It)

In the age of Instagram perfection, it’s easy to fall into the comparison trap. But remember this: someone else’s highlight reel isn’t your behind-the-scenes.

Next time you find yourself spiraling into comparison mode, try this:

  1. Acknowledge the feeling (it’s normal!)
  2. List three things you’re proud of in your own journey
  3. Send a genuine compliment to the person you’re comparing yourself to

Weird, right? But trust us, it works. By celebrating others’ successes, you’re creating more space for your own.

Avoiding Burnout (Before It Avoids You)

Burnout isn’t just feeling tired after a long wedding season—it’s a state of total emotional, physical, and creative exhaustion. And in this industry, it’s all too common.

Here are some practical ways to keep burnout at bay:

  • Set non-negotiable boundaries (like no email after 7 pm)
  • Schedule regular “artist dates” to refill your creative well
  • Outsource tasks that drain you (hello, bookkeeping!)
  • Practice saying “no” to projects that don’t light you up

Remember: balance isn’t about perfectly dividing your time between work and life. It’s about creating a life you don’t need to escape from.

The New Rich: Redefining Success

Let’s talk about the “new rich.” No, we’re not talking about crypto millionaires. We’re talking about a new way of defining success that prioritizes time, freedom, and fulfillment over just financial wealth.

Ask yourself: What would your ideal day look like if money weren’t an issue? How can you start incorporating elements of that into your life now? Maybe it’s taking Fridays off for family time, or blocking out an hour each day for a hobby you love.

Community Over Competition

Here’s a radical idea: what if your “competition” could actually be your greatest asset? Building a community of like-minded creatives can be a game-changer for your mental health and your business.

Consider joining (or creating!) a mastermind group. Having a space to share challenges, celebrate wins, and brainstorm solutions with people who get it can be incredibly powerful.

Keeping Your Cup Full

At the end of the day, taking care of your mental health isn’t selfish—it’s essential. You can’t pour from an empty cup, and you certainly can’t create magic for your clients if you’re running on fumes.

So, make self-care a non-negotiable part of your business strategy. Whether it’s meditation, therapy, regular exercise, or simply setting aside time to do nothing at all, find what fills your cup and make it a priority.

Remember, Glowgetter: you’re not just a photographer, you’re an artist, a storyteller, and a small business powerhouse. And you deserve to thrive, not just survive, in this beautiful, chaotic industry we call home.

A Little Gift from Us to You

We have a free 50+ page guide on mindset, manifesting, and mental health, and we’d love to gift it to you. ✨ Click here to grab a copy!

Now, we’d love to hear from you! What are your go-to strategies for maintaining your mental health as a creative entrepreneur? Drop a comment below and let’s keep this conversation going!

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